Introductory Class


What Is Muay Thai?
11 Sep
Muay Thai Blog

To help provide some background information, this blog will follow along with the video of Alby Tam of Combat Culture in San Francisco and help answer the most basic questions about Muay Thai: where it comes from, its general rules, and even some of its benefits.

Which Martial Arts Transitions Are Best for Muay Thai
28 Aug
Muay Thai Blog

As Muay Thai grows in popularity, more and more people with martial arts backgrounds have begun to seriously think about either cross-training with Muay Thai or becoming exclusively Muay Thai fighters. While it’s safe to assume that having a martial arts background is not going to work against you as you learn Muay Thai, some people will have an easier time transitioning than others.

Six Styles of Muay Thai
14 Aug
Muay Thai Blog

Like all martial arts, there are several general styles of Muay Thai. The two most important factors that play a role in deciding upon a style are physical attributes and personality.

What Is American Kickboxing?
23 Jul
MMA Blog

When Alby Tam of the San Francisco-based Muay Thai gym Combat Culture was growing up, the only combat sport that he remembers watching with any regularity was boxing (we’re not counting the WWF and WCW). Every so often, however, he’d stumble across a different kind of martial art that he’d never seen before. It was usually late at night, and usually on a station that he didn’t watch very often, but it was here that he caught a glimpse of another type of combat sport where the fighters were wearing pants and shoes. They were also kicking each other. 

Zapping Your Opponent’s Energy
08 Jul
BJJ Blog

One of the most enduring strategies in any martial art is to wear down your opponent’s energy until they make mental mistakes that you can then exploit. With jiu-jitsu, this kind of strategy is often more defensive—you force your opponent to attack, and then use technique to defend and escape from holds until they’ve tired themselves out. In mixed martial arts fighting, it’s far more common to take a more aggressive approach, and to wear down your opponents with a constant barrage of strikes.

Finding the Right Mix at a New Gym
20 Jun
MMA Blog

Finding a new gym is always difficult, especially if you’ve recently moved to a new city and you don’t have a lot of connections in the area. As Shane Fazen of FIGHTTIPS and Vince “The Anomaly” Cachero explain in the below video, just about all of the things that anyone is really looking for in a new gym boil down to feeling comfortable, being challenged, and finding a group of people who will make you better. For younger fighters, you may also want to find an established fighter willing to take you under their wing.

Women Sparring
03 Jun
BJJ Blog

Your first visit to a martial arts gym is never easy. It doesn’t matter your age, your athletic ability, or your gender; it takes a lot of courage to commit to trying something new and following through with it. It can be especially terrifying if you’ve had no experience with combat sports (or even contact sports) and enter into a space where you will be expected to fight another person.

Is the “Movie” Over at 51?
21 May
BJJ Blog

You’re never too old to start doing jiu-jitsu. True, it’s never easy to walk into any space as a novice when you’re in your forties, fifties, or sixties. However, with jiu-jitsu this is more a matter of leaving your emotional comfort zone than putting yourself in physical danger, especially when you train with accredited instructors from the Gracie Academy. If you can overcome the familiar narrative that you can only start doing things when you’re in your teens or twenties, and that you can’t have a career, a family, and new interests, you can learn jiu-jitsu.

Gracie Survival Tactics for Police
07 May
BJJ Blog

Police reform continues to be a hot-button issue, but just about everyone can find common ground on two things: Police officers should only use force as a last resort, and they should strive to never use force that is excessive. Using excessive force violates the rights of the citizens they are sworn to protect and frays trust between departments and communities. When people don’t trust their local police departments, crimes go unreported and public safety suffers.

Carlson Gracie
23 Apr
BJJ Blog

Brazilian jiu-jitsu has a long history that stretches back to the start of the twentieth century. The martial arts traditions on which it is based, primarily Japanese jujitsu and judo, date back several centuries. The growth in Brazilian jiu-jitsu’s popularity has paralleled the rise of mixed martial arts fighting, largely due to the success of the early Ultimate Fighting Championship in the 1990s.

Your First Muay Thai Fight
08 Apr
Muay Thai Blog

Preparing for your first Muay Thai fight is usually preceded by months if not years of training and conditioning, but you may still find yourself with a lot of questions about what happens before the big event. This post explores some of those questions and should be seen as a resource for anyone who is curious about what takes place before a Muay Thai fight. It doesn’t matter if the fight is just a few days away or if you’re just starting your training and want to know what to expect.

Finding a New Gym
25 Mar
Muay Thai Blog

Even before walking through the door for your first day, you first have to decide on a gym that seems right for you. In this blog, we’ll walk through some of the things you should consider when deciding on a new Muay Thai gym, but it really can be applied to any type of martial arts.

Later in Life Muay Thai
11 Mar
Muay Thai Blog

If training martial arts is something that you hope to start doing, going to the gym is the best way to start. This is true of jiu-jitsu, boxing, or Muay Thai. It may even be true of any type of workout, from weight training to yoga.

Can You Learn Muay Thai on Your Own?
28 Feb
Muay Thai Blog

If training martial arts is something that you hope to start doing, going to the gym is the best way to start. This is true of jiu-jitsu, boxing, or Muay Thai. It may even be true of any type of workout, from weight training to yoga.

Cultivate Routine
19 Jan
BJJ Blog

Getting to the level of black belt is no easy task. Even in the best-case scenario, it takes between one and two years to advance from one belt to the next, and those who reach the level of black belt typically have dedicated close to a decade to their jiu-jitsu training.